The "Burka Avenger" is a superhero cartoon in Pakistan, inspired by a real-life hero and child-activist Malala, who survived an attack by the Taliban and was honored by "Malala Day" at the United Nations.
While she wears a burka like extreme traditional women, in her everyday life this cartoon character is a modern woman - a teacher - who doesn't wear a veil or cover her hair. The creator says he wanted the burka to be used just to hide her identity, a nice twist on the usually oppressive use of the burka to hide a woman's sexuality from the world.
And she protects children from the bad things - sweatshops and religious oppression.
Her weapons? Books and Pens only. And that goes back to something Malala said:
Let us pick up our books and our pens. They are our most powerful weapons. One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education first.
Mr. Giles would certainly approve.
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