Monday, October 27, 2014

"Hide Behind the Chainsaws!" ~ Hilarious Geico Halloween Commercial

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There's a new commercial out from Geico that pokes fun at horror movie stupidity - you know, when someone is trying to run away from a knife-wielding psychopath but forgets they have a car in the driveway, or that they should lock the door behind them.

So if you enjoy Sarah Michelle Geller's "I Know What You Did Last Summer" or Joss Whedon's "The Cabin in the Woods," you will love this video:

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

New Buffy Episode Guide on YouTube

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There's a fantastic new channel on YouTube called The Passion of the Nerd that is taking Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode by episode. He also includes a video "Sermon" explaining why EVERYONE should watch the series NOW.

Watch, Like, Subscribe, Share! :)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Rest In Peace, Nanoo, Nanoo, Robin Williams

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We lost a national treasure on August 11 with the death of Robin Williams. :( I share the same birthday, July 21, and that connection always made me smile.

That Williams chose to take his own life is a horrible tragedy, yet how can we judge him? Not only was he suffering from depression, but also from the early stages of Parkinson's disease, a malady he knew all-too-well after making the film "Awakenings," in which he played a caring doctor who dealt with the most desperate form of that disease. He knew that any cure was a stop-gap measure at best.

Michael J. Fox, another actor stricken with Parkinson's had this to say:

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To some, Robin Williams will always be the inspirational teacher from "Dead Poets Society," or the caring psychiatrist in "Good Will Hunting." Some choose to recall his more hilarious moments, such as "Mrs. Doubtfire" or "The Bird Cage." My kids loved him as the aging Peter Pan in "Hook." But for my 70s generation, Robin Williams will forever be Mork from Ork, the whimsical alien trying to understand humanity while falling in love with Pam Dawber in "Mork and Mindy."

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Williams was an entertainer first and foremost. Yet like many actors and comedians he put on a jovial face to mask his depression and anxiety. Whatever lesson we get from his death, one thing we have to understand - every human being has pain of one kind or another, and all the success in the world is often not enough to kick depression.

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Sarah Michelle Geller, his costar in the recently cancelled comedy "The Crazy Ones" made this statement via People
"My life is a better place because I knew Robin Williams," Gellar said. "To my children he was Uncle Robin, to everyone he worked with, he was the best boss anyone had ever known, and to me he was not just an inspiration but he was the Father I had always dreamed of having. There are not enough adjectives to describe the light he was, to anyone that ever had the pleasure to meet him. I will miss him everyday, but I know the memory of him will live on. And to his family, I thank them for letting us know him and seeing the joy they brought him. Us crazy ones love you."

From CNN
Actor Robin Williams was cremated and his ashes were scattered in San Francisco Bay, according to his death certificate.
Williams was found dead in his Northern California home August 11 from what investigators suspect was a suicide by hanging. The certificate, obtained by CNN on Thursday, says his ashes were scattered off the coast one day later.
It also says the cause of death is "pending investigation."
According to Marin County Assistant Deputy Chief Coroner Lt. Keith Boyd, investigators believe Williams used a belt to hang himself from a bedroom door.
Boyd would not confirm or deny whether Williams left behind a letter, saying that investigators would discuss "the note or a note" later.
The coroner's investigation "revealed he had been seeking treatment for depression," Boyd said.

From NBC
Robin Williams was sober but struggling with early stages of Parkinson’s disease at the time of his death, his wife said Thursday.
“Robin spent so much of his life helping others. Whether he was entertaining millions on stage, film or television, our troops on the frontlines, or comforting a sick child — Robin wanted us to laugh and to feel less afraid,” his wife Susan Schneider said in a statement.
. . . “Robin's sobriety was intact and he was brave as he struggled with his own battles of depression, anxiety as well as early stages of Parkinson's Disease, which he was not yet ready to share publicly."
. . . Parkinson’s is caused by the loss of brain cells that produce a message carrying-chemical, or neurotransmitter, that is important for movement. Symptoms can start with a barely noticeable trembling but worsen to difficulty walking and talking, depression and other disability. There’s no cure and the drugs used to treat the condition usually stop helping over time.

Friday, August 1, 2014

New Whedon Biography Gives the Scoop on Firefly

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The new biography of Joss Whedon penned by Amy Pascale is being released today, giving us a world of new insights into the Whedonverse. I can't wait to read it!

Read the Firefly Chapter Here on io9

"I wanted to play with that classic notion of the frontier," Joss said. "Not the people who made history, but the people history stepped on—the people for whom every act is the creation of civilization." And he wanted to do it on a spaceship.
That concept, he hoped, would elevate Firefly above the average sci-fi series. Though he'd clocked countless hours watching movies set in faraway worlds, most TV examples of the genre failed to engage him. Even his love of British television didn't extend to science fiction. "Never watched any British sci-fi," Joss says. "People were always talking to me about [Blake's] 7, Red Dwarf, even Doctor Who, and I just never watched them. I watched one episode of Doctor Who and I was like, 'Did they film that in my basement?' because it looked cheesy." His series aimed to be anything but.

Other tidbits:

  • There are nine people in the Firefly crew because that was the number of passengers in the John Ford movie western, Stagecoach. 
  • He named the show after the spaceship because he knew that any of the crew members might suddenly leave (or be fired)!!! 
  • He wanted a "Preacher" on board to explore the theme of faith.
  • Whedon identifies the most with Mal, but every character is part of his personality.
  • He insisted that Zoe and Wash had to have a happy marriage, over the protests of the Fox executives who thought it would limit the drama.
  •  Nathan Fillion's first impression of Whedon was "little guy in the corner, in a purple sweater with a rip in it. With scraggly hair and a scraggly beard."
  • Fillion, who was turned down for the role of Angel in the Buffy series, had to audition 5 times for the role of Mal.
  • Adam Baldwin said the director told him the character of Jayne was "not the sharpest tool in the shed."
  • To prove his loyalty to both his Mutant Enemy production company, as well as the new show Firefly, Whedon turned down the role of director on the first Iron Man movie! 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Slayer Soundtrack Sunday ~ I'll Remember You by Sophie Zelmani

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Episode 7 of Season One - called "Angel" - revolves around the growing love between Buffy and Angelus and they have their first kiss! But then Angel turns into a Vamp and has to jump out the window. Truly a classic Beauty and the Beast moment.

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Later Buffy thinks that Angel has bitten her mother, Joyce, when really he was saving her from the evil Darla, his sire, who has been helping The Master. This leads to a dilemma as Buffy vacilates between loving Angel and wanting to stake him. In the end, he explains that the Romany Gypsies have cursed him with a soul and while he wants to continue biting people and drinking their blood, he is so full of remorse that he never does.

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The song "I'll remember you" by Sophie Zelmani, plays at the Bronze as Buffy and Angel say goodbye - but of course this is only the beginning of their long complicated relationship.

Sophie Zelmani Official Site

Monday, April 21, 2014

New Joss Whedon Movie on Vimeo for Five Bucks

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Joss Whedon premiered his new movie "In Your Eyes" at the Tribeca Film Festival this weekend.

The video is available on Vimeo for the new low price of $5.

From Moviefone
In Whedon's latest movie, "In Your Eyes," which he wrote and executive produced, two strangers on opposite coasts share a metaphysical, inexplicable connection. The first three minutes of the movie, directed by Brin Hill, has been released ahead of its premiere this weekend at the Tribeca Film Festival.

In the opening scene, a girl named Rebecca is sledding, while a boy named Dylan is attending school. As Rebecca races down the hill, suddenly Dylan can see through her eyes. And when Rebecca crashes into a tree, Dylan experiences it, too.

Most of the movie follows Rebecca (Zoe Kazan) and Dylan (Michael Stahl-David) as adults, when they become aware of their unique, supernatural link.

From USA Today
In lieu of theatrical distribution, he's making his new movie, In Your Eyes, available now for a $5 digital stream at It is the second indie release from Whedon and partner/wife Kai Cole's Bellwether Pictures production company.
"It's exciting for us because it means we get to explore yet another new form of distribution — and we get $5," says Whedon, who directed The Avengersand wrote the screenplay for the new movie.

Buffy Writers Reunite for Hollywood Reporter Photo

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Joss Whedon and his Buffy writing team reunited for a photo shoot for Hollywood Reporter. They appear in this video talking about their craft with other teams from X-Files, Murphy Brown, and Shield.

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy 37th Birthday, Sarah Michelle Geller

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Wishing best wishes and happy times to Sarah Michelle Geller on her 37th birthday!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Slayer vs. Kim Kardashian and Kenye West

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Actress Sarah Michelle Geller didn't care too much for the Vogue cover of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. And I guess lots of people agreed with her - 9,832 Retweets 13,729 favorites!

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Other critics are chiming in, as well as spoofing the cover:
Here on Today and on YahooTV

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Drusilla's Dolls

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One of the creepiest things about the Vampire Drusilla from Buffy the Vampire Slayer is that she has arrested development due to being tortured into insanity at an early age. One symbol of her delicate mental state is Drusilla's obsession with dolls, which are at once her playthings and "children" as well as pretend victims, just as she was once the plaything and victim of Angelus/Angel who turned her into a vamp.

Miss Edith is Drusilla's favorite doll, but she has many more, often seen wearing blindfolds or gagged. In some ways the dolls form a kind of family between herself and Spike, who tolerates all of Drusilla's eccentricities.

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Strangely there is an antique book from 1921 called "Drusilla's Dolls" by a writer with the colorful name of Belle Bacon Bond.

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The book, which is set mostly in Boston, seems to be an inspiration to the writers of Buffy, although I have never read that anywhere and couldn't find any evidence. However, the book does exist and is available on Amazon

You can also read the free online version here. It's old-fashioned and charming in a way, but very simplified. I wouldn't compare it to the classic Rumer Godden dollhouse books or even Raggedy Ann, but it is simpler and more like an old reading book from school.

Book Description on Amazon:
This charming true story of a little girl named Drusilla growing up in the 1860s is a loving tribute to Drusilla's mother-a woman wise enough to honor the sacred spaces of childhood and the holy spirit of her child's originality. An only child, Drusilla made playfellows of her doll collection. Her gentle recounting of their adventures has entranced five generations. Now, the republication of this delightful book makes it available for many generations to come. Originally published in 1921.

From the website Everything Drusilla
Belle Bacon Bond was already a grandmother by the time Drusilla and Her Dolls was published. An autobiography, the charming story chronicles the author's formative childhood years. To the best of my knowledge, no one knows why she happened to call her childhood self "Drusilla." Indeed, her own name was Isabella, not Belle at all. Perhaps she was too modest to use her own name; perhaps "Belle and Her Dolls" just didn't have the proper "ring."
In any case, children love this enchanting tale of a little girl growing up in the 1860s. An only child, Drusilla makes playfellows of her doll collection.
. . . Mrs. Bond's gentle recounting of her childhood adventures with Frank Bowker, Flora Washington, and the rest of her doll family has entranced five generations of mothers and children alike. Now, this republication makes it available for many generations to come.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

From Beneath You It Devours: The Original Hell-Mouth

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Detail of a miniature showing the Last Judgement, from the ‘Queen Mary Apocalypse’, England 
(London or East Anglia), first quarter of the 14th century, Royal MS 19 B XV, f. 40r

Turns out the Hellmouth was well-known from Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts and even church windows detailing the demons in the pit and their victims. Librarian Rupert Giles surely had this manuscript in the Sunnydale Library. Of course the phrase "From Beneath You It Devours" plays a role in Season Seven as the Hellmouth wreaks havoc on Buffy and the Scooby Gang and threatens to destroy the world.

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Detail of a bas-de-page scene showing a demon carrying souls to Hell in a wheelbarrow, 
from the ‘Taymouth Hours’, England (London?), second quarter of the 14th century, 
Yates Thompson MS 13, f. 139v. 

From the British Library Manuscripts Blog - "Prepare to Meet Your Doom"
The rather horrifying motif of the Hell-mouth was not confined to medieval manuscripts. It appears – most commonly as a hairy, fanged beast – in stained glass windows and wall- and panel-paintings as well. It was therefore visible to ordinary medieval people, for whom owning an illuminated manuscript was an unimaginable luxury, and the prospect of suffering an eternity in Hell an imminent possibility. St John’s visions of the end of the world and the Last Judgement were frequently depicted in ‘Doom paintings’ on the walls and rood-screens of medieval churches. Though mostly destroyed at the Reformation, examples have survived, particularly in East Anglia, some of them ironically protected and preserved by the very whitewash that was meant to obliterate them.

. . . Hell-mouths were commonly depicted in illuminated Apocalypse manuscripts, swallowing up the souls of the damned, while God, the angels and the souls of the saved look on from the safety of Heaven.

See More Hellmouth Illuminations Here

Buffy, Spike and Faith Facing the Hellmouth
For the Final Battle in Season 7

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Vamps on TV: Ice Skaters Spin Darkness at Sochi Olympics

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Lots of interesting dark music in this year's Sochi Winter Olympics! Buffy and Spike would have felt right at home.

Note: the videos below are not the actual Olympics but earlier performances at various competitions.

Russia's pairs-skaters Ksenia Stolbova and Fedor Klimov captured the Silver medal at Sochi with The Addams Family. Ironically another Russian couple won the Gold skating to "Jesus Christ Superstar."

Denis Ten of Kazakhstan won the Men's Bronze dancing to Danse Macabre (see this previous post about the Buffy episode "The Gentlemen")

Javier Fernandez of Spain performed to "Satan Takes a Holiday"

Italy's Stefania Berton & Ondrej Hotarek skated to "Dracula" by Philipp Glass

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Slayer Soundtrack Sunday: "Early One Morning"

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The English folk song "Early One Morning" plays an important role in Spike's character development, which is ironic given the title and the fact that he is a vampire who sleeps or hides from the rising sun.

Early one morning, just as the sun was rising
I heard a maid sing in the valley below
"Oh don't deceive me, Oh never leave me,
How could you use, a poor maiden so?"

Remember the vows that you made to me truly
Remember how tenderly you nestled close to me
Gay is the garland, fresh are the roses
I've culled from the garden to bind over thee.

Here I now wander alone as I wonder
Why did you leave me to sigh and complain
I ask of the roses, why should I be forsaken,
Why must I here in sorrow remain?

From Songfacts:
This folk song is particularly notable for its use in a number of well known arrangements. In the UK its usage in the opening bars of the "BBC Radio 4 UK Theme" by Fritz Spiegl, which until April 2006 was played every morning at 5.30 am is the best known.
The song has been used in a number of television programs. It was sung by Samantha in the TV series Bewitched, by Pernell Roberts (Adam Cartwright) in "The wooing of Abigail Jones" episode of the TV series Bonanza and was used as a trigger for the Vampire Spike in the seventh season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was also the theme song for the children's CBC TV show The Friendly Giant, which run from 1958 to 1985. In the UK, it was Frank Spencer's choice of song in the BBC sitcom Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em.
The song has also featured several times in the movies. In Monty Python and the Holy Grail, "Early One Morning" is played in the background at the beginning of the tale of Sir Launcelot, just before his assistant is 'mortally wounded' with an arrow. Also Hayley Mills and Nancy Olson sung this song in the 1960 Disney film Pollyanna.

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 photo 7X17LMPTM1739.jpgIn "Lies My Parents Told Me" (season 7) Buffy and Giles learn that the song has become a "trigger" put there by the First Evil which makes Spike kill people even though he now has a soul. Through the use of a magical stone, Spike remembers that his beloved mother once sang the song to him when he was a still a rather hapless and poetic mortal named William. When Spike is turned into a vampire by Drusilla he returns to his family home and bites his ailing mother to make her immortal like himself. However things do not turn out the way he expected. Spike forgot that his mother would become half evil demon as a vampire, and when she proceeds to take delight in describing their mother-son relationship as twisted and unnatural, Spike is shocked and realizes he has to kill her. At the last moment his mother returns to her original loving form.

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Principal Robin Wood is wrestling with his own mother issues. We learn that he is the son of Nikki Wood, the New York Vampire Slayer whom Spike admits to killing in Fool For Love. In "Lies" Robin Wood and Giles conspire to put a stake in Spike against Buffy's wishes. Giles is thinking of the safety of the potential slayers, while Robin just wants revenge for his mother's death. As a result of their deception, Wood and Giles lose Buffy's trust, and she defends Spike as "the strongest warrior we have." This is foreshadowing for the final episode when Spike becomes Buffy's Champion and he saves the world.

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Buffy echoes Nikki Woods advice to her son "The Mission is what Matters." Spoken like the true Slayers they are!

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