Monday, April 21, 2014

New Joss Whedon Movie on Vimeo for Five Bucks

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Joss Whedon premiered his new movie "In Your Eyes" at the Tribeca Film Festival this weekend.

The video is available on Vimeo for the new low price of $5.

From Moviefone
In Whedon's latest movie, "In Your Eyes," which he wrote and executive produced, two strangers on opposite coasts share a metaphysical, inexplicable connection. The first three minutes of the movie, directed by Brin Hill, has been released ahead of its premiere this weekend at the Tribeca Film Festival.

In the opening scene, a girl named Rebecca is sledding, while a boy named Dylan is attending school. As Rebecca races down the hill, suddenly Dylan can see through her eyes. And when Rebecca crashes into a tree, Dylan experiences it, too.

Most of the movie follows Rebecca (Zoe Kazan) and Dylan (Michael Stahl-David) as adults, when they become aware of their unique, supernatural link.

From USA Today
In lieu of theatrical distribution, he's making his new movie, In Your Eyes, available now for a $5 digital stream at It is the second indie release from Whedon and partner/wife Kai Cole's Bellwether Pictures production company.
"It's exciting for us because it means we get to explore yet another new form of distribution — and we get $5," says Whedon, who directed The Avengersand wrote the screenplay for the new movie.

Buffy Writers Reunite for Hollywood Reporter Photo

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Joss Whedon and his Buffy writing team reunited for a photo shoot for Hollywood Reporter. They appear in this video talking about their craft with other teams from X-Files, Murphy Brown, and Shield.

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy 37th Birthday, Sarah Michelle Geller

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Wishing best wishes and happy times to Sarah Michelle Geller on her 37th birthday!

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