Friday, August 23, 2013

Whedon ~ New Teen Vampire Shows are "Choosing Boyfriends: The Movie"

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Joss Whedon is frustrated with the latest crop of Vampire tales, and he has good reason to be. From "Twilight" to "Vampire Diaries" there are no characters to match the power of Buffy, Willow, Tara, or Anya. Most girls don't want to slay the vampires - they want to date them!

From Entertainment Weekly Via Wet Paint
"The thing about Buffy for me is–on a show-by-show basis–are there female characters who are being empowered, who are driving the narrative?”

That question mark has him disappointed in relationship-centric vampire dramas that focus on love triangles — which he did with Buffy, Angel, and Spike through the years, but in a different way — and the magazine specifically asked about Twilight and The Vampire Diaries.

“The Twilight thing and a lot of these franchise attempts coming out, everything rests on what this girl will do, but she’s completely passive, or not really knowing what the hell is going on,” he said. “And that’s incredibly frustrating to me because a lot of what’s taking on the oeuvre of Buffy, is actually a reaction against it. Everything is there — except for the Buffy. A lot of things aimed at the younger kids is just Choosing Boyfriends: The Movie.”

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