Sunday, August 18, 2013

What kind of name is 'Buffy' Anyway?

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In the first episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Welcome to the Hellmouth," we have this snippet of dialogue:

Girl #1: The new kid? She seems kind of weird to me. What kind of name is Buffy?

Girl #2: [walking by] Hey, Aphrodesia.

Aphrodisia: Oh, Hey!

LOL - clearly Buffy doesn't have the strangest name at Sunnydale.

But it does beg the question about the origins of Buffy's name. Now the obvious symbolism is that she is a really strong girl with muscles - she's buff. But what else?

On her tombstone in season five her name is "Buffy Anne Summers."

From Urban Dictionary:
Buff: Very strong or having defined muscles, hot. Used mostly for guys.

From Think Baby Names
Buffy \b(uf)-fy\ as a girl's name is of English origin. Informal pet form of Elizabeth, based on a child's unsuccessful attempts to pronounce the name.
For more information, see also the related name Beverly.
Baby names that sound like Buffy are Bevvy, Bevie and Bev. Other similar baby names are Bunny, Daffy, Effy, Taffy and Tiffy.

Famous Buffies:

Elizabeth Bowles-Lyon, mother of Queen Elizabeth, was known as "My Darling Buffy" as a child.
Anissa Jones played Ava Elizabeth "Buffy" Patterson-Davis on TV's Family Affair
Folk singer Beverly "Buffy" Sainte-Marie wrote the songs "Universal Soldier" and "Until it's Time for you to Go"

1 comment:

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