"Laika" is the name of the first dog the Russians put into orbit around the earth, but ironically the band with that name may be best known for a song "Black Cat Bone" which is played in Season six, the episode called "Wrecked."
The song is included on Laika's album Good Looking Blues
Willow is going through a crisis due to magic, with the analogy to drug addiction - the meaning of the title. She follows her old pal Amy the ex-rat (Elizabeth Anne Allen) to a private "magicks den" where she trades some of her power to a sort of guru/junkie called "Rack" (Jeff Kober) for a psychedelic mystical experience.
The song "Black Cat Bone" by Laika plays during Willow's mind-trip, and captures the sinister illogic of it.
We know her experience isn't entirely pleasant because Willow has to take a shower afterwards to "sober up."
But Willow hasn't had enough, so she returns to Rack's house - rhymes with crackhouse - dragging along Buffy's teenage sister Dawn, who is creeped out but who can't leave. When Willow realizes she has accidentally conjured a demon during her bad trip, they have to steal a car to get away, ending in an accident which injures Dawn.
Buffy is ticked-off to say the least. But Willow is forgiven because Buffy isn't acting responsibly either, finally consumating her flirtation with Spike during which they literally "bring the house down" on themselves - another meaning of the title "Wrecked." At the end of the show, a contrite and sober Willow is alone and so is Buffy, surrounded by cloves of garlic to keep out the amorous Spike.
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