Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sarah Michelle Geller Tenth Anniversary Quote

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Huffington Post had a nice quote from Sarah Michelle Geller:

From Huff Post
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" ended 10 years ago on May 20, 2003. Yes, it's been a decade since the Slayer and the Scoobies closed the Hellmouth in Sunnydale, California.
. . . At the CBS 2013 upfront red carpet last week, Gellar was surprised by how much time has passed since she last wielded a wooden stake on TV.

"Wait, wait. Hold on. Really?" she replied when The Huffington Post told her the 10th anniversary of the "Buffy" finale was upon us. "Wow. God, you just blew my mind." Williams, who accompanied Gellar on the red carpet said, "It's kind of wonderful."

"It is," Gellar said. "I'm incredibly proud of that show -- proud of everybody on it, of what we did ... You can't be prouder of that show. It still holds up in reruns and I'm blessed every day ... I've been pretty lucky."

There was also this quote from Danny Strong, who played "Jonathan" - a classmate at Sunnydale High and in later seasons a member of the "Nemesis" gang of three who fought against Buffy.

"It just gets bigger each year. It's really exciting how much it penetrated this public consciousness in a way. People teach courses about it and there are Joss Whedon courses in universities. People write their dissertations on it," he told The Huffington Post. "It's incredibly flattering and I'm really honored just to have been a part of it. It's very exciting."

I definitely agree - people are even still creating new blogs about Buffy after all these years. :)

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