The message of female empowerment and spirituality in Buffy the Vampire Slayer is diametrically opposite to the Twilight Series by Joyce Meyer. While Buffy and Bella both have love affairs with vampires the similarity ends there - Buffy never lets herself be dominated by Angel or Spike - on the contrary, she gives the orders.
Buffy falls in love with Angel and Spike in spite of her loathing for vampires, and hates it when those attractions upset her family and friends. And both vampires have to earn Buffy's trust and respect over time. On the other hand, Bella trusts the "sparkly" Edward and is ready to throw away all ties with her parents five minutes after meeting him. Won over by sex and expensive gifts from the Cullen Clan, Bella is besotted with romantic ideas of becoming a vampire herself - soul be damned!
Conversely, Buffy is willing to sacrifice Angel and Spike in order to save the world - choosing the greater good instead of selfish desire.
Besides all that, the writing in the Buffy series is so much more clever, irreverent, self-effacing and just plain entertaining. Twilight is a cloned romance novel that got lucky.
I could go on, but I'll let these pictures speak for themselves . . .
wow how awesome 😒😒😒😒
ReplyDeleteBeing a vampire has certain limitations, but it can also be a ton of fun. Your extra strengths and abilities can make you successful in almost every endeavor you participate in and before you know it the money and acquaintances will come streaming in. You can build wealth and gain prestige and notoriety and attempt things you may never have even considered as a human. One thing you will definitely have more of is time. Beef up your education and learn all you every wanted to. Travel the world to see things most people only ever see on TV This is going to be especially fun if you turned to share your life with one of us. Let us show you the wonders of the world. Learn new languages, go skydiving or scuba dive with sharks, visit the African safari. You no longer need to be scared of nature or wildlife – you will have become the worlds strongest predator. Have fun with it and your life as a vampire can be more fulfilling than you ever dreamed. Explore, experiment, experience and get excited. There’s a big world out there with lots to see and do and as a vampire, you can do it all. If your dream is to become a powerful person in life contact: