Sunday, March 13, 2016

Slayer Soundtrack Sunday ~ Bellylove

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The song "Back to Freedom" is played on the Bronze stage by the group Bellylove in the Season Three opening episode called "Anne." While the song plays in the background, Xander says "Welcome to depressing night at the Bronze." Reason for his depression? Buffy has been forced to leave town after being wrongly accused of killing the alternate slayer Kendra, who was actually murdered by the vampire Drusilla at the end of Season Two. Left behind in Sunnydale, the Scooby Gang consisting of Xander, Oz, Willow and Cordelia are learning to kill vampires on their own, and they aren't too happy about it.

The song is somewhat prophetic because while Buffy is "free" in the sense of being on her own for the first time, she has discovered the tragic world of poverty-stricken runaways living on the edge of society. After she frees a group of homeless people being held forced to work as slaves by demons in the bowels of Los Angeles, she finds her way home again after having her name cleared, which means back to responsibility and school, but also the freedom of being a kid at home with Mom again.

Nineteenth Anniversary of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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Nineteen years! How time flies!!! Happy Anniversary Cast and Fans!

From Sarah Michelle Gellar on Facebook:

19 years ago tonight, I got to introduce you to Buffy The Vampire Slayer (and #mrpointy too) thank you for taking the incredible journey with me and continuing still. I am and forever will be #grateful

Posted by Sarah Michelle Gellar on Thursday, March 10, 2016

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